
GAUD 2017 Annual Goals, Objectives and Operational Priorities

The GAUD 2017 Annual Goals, Objectives and Operational Priorities document is a result of two separate planning sessions. The purposes of these meetings were to gather input and direction to ultimately create this 2017 GAUD Trustee Goals, Objectives and Operational Priorities document.

The first planning meeting was held on November 2, 2016 at the Augusta Civic Center. Attending were: GAUD Trustees and Staff- Ken Knight; Kirsten Hebert; Bob Corey; Dave Rollins; Charlotte Warren; David Bustin; Brian Tarbuck; Andy Begin; Sherry Kenney. Augusta City Council and Staff- Pat Paradis; Cecil Munson; Dale McCormick; Marci Alexander; Bill Bridgeo; Brad Sawyer, guest. 

The second planning meeting was held on December 19, 2016 at Augusta City Center. Attending were: GAUD Trustees and staff- Ken Knight; Kirsten Hebert; Bob Corey; Dave Rollins; Charlotte Warren; David Bustin; Brad Sawyer; Brian Tarbuck; Andy Begin and Sherry Kenney. Augusta City Councilors-Pat Paradis and Cecil Munson.

To view the full document click here.

To view the new Mission, Vision, and Goals click here.